
Congressman Demands Information After Arkansas Raid Kills Director Of Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport

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It’s finally getting action from Capitol Hill.

According to THV11, a U.S. Congressman has just requested information be turned over after the needless shooting by ATF agents of the Director of Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport in Little Rock. The Director was gunned down at his home in a no-knock raid of his house for reasons that are suspect.

Shot At His Own Home

Bryan Malinowski was gunned down at his own home early in the morning after ATF agents showed up at his home with guns drawn in an early morning raid. Malinowski was the Director of Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport in Little Rock.

Malinowski was raided because he bought too many guns without a license. Even though the laws are unclear.

As a result, Congress is reportedly getting involved. A Congressman demanded information after the sudden arrest.

You can watch THV11’s reporting below:

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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