
“Vote Of No Confidence” Passes Against Mayor Jackie By Her Own City Council In Overwhelming Majority

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It’s the first time this has ever happened in Fairfield Bay history.

Fairfield Bay’s own mayor, Jackie Sikes, has received a “vote of no confidence” by the city council in an overwhelming vote. Astonishingly, not a single city council person voted to defend Mayor Jackie Sikes amid allegations of wrongdoing, intimidation, and attempts to mislead the city council and the public with financial data. Jackie takes no responsibility and says “I have had it with my city council.” 

City Votes Against Mayor Jackie Sikes In Overwhelming Majority

The final vote is as follows:

4 votes against. 1 city council person abstained.

Mayor Jackie Sikes allegedly hid financial data from the public and misled the council using her family’s 501C3 non-profit.

Financial issues and intimidation were the reasons given by city councilman Roger Hooper in the announcement at the city council meeting before the vote was taken.

Mayor Jackie Sikes refuses to resign. Says it’s all “lies” and blames the city council for it:

“I have had it with my city council.”

You can watch the drama unfold below before the vote was taken:

Mayor Jackie Sikes Refuses To Resign

During the city council meeting, Mayor Jackie Sikes refused to resign despite being at odds with the city council, chamber of commerce, and community club.

You can watch the full city council meeting below without any edits:

The sudden surprise city council vote comes after former Mayor Paul Wellenberger resigned suddenly from the city council.

People close to Paul Wellenberger say he resigned over targeted harassment to protect his health.

Paul Wellenberger and other city leaders have called for Mayor Jackie Sikes to be recalled. Over 400 signatures have been collected in their recall effort against her.

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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