
9-Hour Police Operation Leads To 20 Arrests And Multiple Contraband Seizures

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At least 20 people have been arrested in a 9-hour police operation.

According to THV11, Arkansas State Troops took part in a 9-hour operation called “saturation initiative” in Lee County over the weekend. Contraband seized included five firearms, methamphetamine, ecstasy and marijuana. Even worse? Some of the guns were reported as stolen.

Arkansas State Trooper Crackdown Successful

Arkansas State Police Captain Philip Hydron declared the mission a successful one. He says the community has praised their tactics in taking down truly dangerous individuals:

“The most significant success of the operation was the response from the community. They expressed genuine appreciation for our presence and the proactive stance of law enforcement in addressing criminal activities.”

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Seth Connell

Seth Connell (255)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.
