
Arkansas Quietly Gave $140 Million In Contracts To A Mysterious Organization Under Audit

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It’s raising concerns across our state state.

A large number of multi-year contracts totaling over $140,000,000 has been awarded to a mysterious organization in Arkansas. Not only does the organization face an audit by legislators, but a bipartisan group of lawmakers are worried the company may have received the contracts without needing to bid against other organizations.

$140 Million In Contracts Lacking Transparency

The company is called Solution Tree. It received a whopping $140,000,000 in contracts after only landing an initial contract with Arkansas for $4 million in 2017.

Mysteriously, the company appears to have one its first contract without having to bid against any competition. It claimed no bids were needed because “Solution Tree” was the only company to have something called the Professional Learning Communities at Work program. That term is trademarked by Solution Tree.

State lawmakers including Republicans and Democrats are joining together to audit the company. They’re suspicious why this company has been given so much money without transparency.

According to Arkansas Senator Linda Chesterfield:

“We continue to hear about, ‘Oh, they’re really doing a great job.’ But I can’t find out how many school districts have moved from an “F” school to a “C” school.”

As a result, lawmakers are performing an audit of the organization and contracts. Disturbingly, even the audit might not stop the money from going to the group regardless of what lawmakers find.

Do YOU think there should be transparency in contracts awarded in Arkansas? Comment below!
Seth Connell

Seth Connell (255)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.
