
Dangerous “Experiment” Money To Be Returned After Governor Speaks Out

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It looks like Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders won.

According to THV11, Pulaski County officials will return money earned from Netflix after they were paid to perform a dangerous experiment in an Arkansas prison. Governor Sanders publicly criticized the experiment as foolish.

Officials Return Money After Prison Experiment Goes Wrong

Netflix paid Pulaski County officials a whopping $60,000 to record prisoners in prison for an “experiment” involving giving prisoners free reign.

Now, officials are giving the money back just 2 weeks after the show debuted on Netflix.

County leaders returned the money after questions emerged about how such a possibly dangerous project came into being.

We reported previously that Governor Sanders called the experiment “wreckless” by saying:

“This is a reckless decision by the Pulaski County Sheriff and highlights the need for our new state prison to keep repeat violent offenders off our streets and our communities safe.”

Do YOU think it's wrong to put prisoners in danger for Netflix? Comment below!
Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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