
Squatters Charged After Breaking Into Private Property In Arkansas After Googling “Loophole”

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A couple have been charged after they tried to use a legal “loophole” to steal someone’s home.

According to NWAHomepage, an Arkansas couple tried to steal someone’s “unoccupied” home by Googling how to claim it after breaking into the property. They’ve been charged with burglary. This isn’t California.

Squatters Charged After Breaking Into Private Property

Kelly DeShields, 54, and Matthew Villagran, 46, have been arrested on June 5 on a residential burglary charge after they tried to Google ways to claim a home they said was “unoccupied”.

It’s possible for squatters to break into homes and find ways to make it theirs in other states using legal loopholes. Not in Arkansas.

According to the legal affidavit, Kelly DeShields “found information on the internet that led her to believe she could obtain the property by paying the property taxes and maintaining the residence and land.”

But the owner didn’t give them permission to be there. So they’ve been removed and charged.

You can watch reporting of the incident below:

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (239)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.



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