
Arkansas Residents Told To Call A Special Hotline Before Planting A Garden

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Planting a garden might seem harmless. But Arkansas residents are being warned of potential negative consequences.

Digging a hole might lead you to paying a fine — even if it’s your land.

According to THV11, Arkansas residents are being warned to dial 811 before digging a hole. Even if you own the land, you might accidentally cut a utility line that could be buried. You could land yourself in trouble!

Potential Fines And Legal Action

According to Jamie Britton, who is a damage investigation coordinator for Summit Utilities, says that you are required by law to mark any potential holes:

“You are required by law to mark your proposed site in white. That will assist all of the company facilities to come out there and mark where their lines are.”

If you don’t take the time to make the phone call, you could land yourself in serious trouble:

“You could strike a line and it could be harmful to you and your neighbor. Of course, there is some cost involved. Also, there can be some penalties and fines that you can be obligated to pay.”

Dial 811 “Call Before You Dig”

According to their official 811 website, you must call the 811 hotline at least 2 days before you dig a hole:

“Advanced Notice: 2 working days notice before digging… Number of days in advance of a digging project that you need to notify the one call center of your intent to dig.”

There’s also an alternative number to call besides 811: It’s 800-482-8998.

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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