
“Naming Arkansas” Book Reveals Origins Of Arkansas Town Names

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Ever wonder how these crazy names came about?

You can finally learn the answer.

According to Fox 16, a new book has been released that reveals the origin stories of Arkansas towns. It even names 6,500 names for Arkansas locations according to author Dan Boice. The book took 8 years to make.

Arkansas History Revealed In New Book

“Naming Arkansas” took author Dan Boice spent 8 years writing his book. It all started because he wanted to know the history of certain towns!

In his unique book, Boice breaks down the book into eight origins like significant people, businesses, ethnicity, or religion.

“It’s just too good a story to let slip away. There’s a whole bunch of towns that just have no obvious reasons for how it got that way. Those are what I call the curious and curiouser ones.”

The book was released this February. You can find it on Amazon for just $18.66. It’s also for sale at Barnes and Noble.

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Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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