
Arkansas Prisoner Says His Food Was Tampered With In Jail

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The man accused of killing his mother doesn’t like jail conditions.

According to 5NewsOnline, the Benton County Sheriff’s Office is investigating food in their jail after a prisoner claimed he found a rat’s leg in his food! Right now, authorities deny conditions being poor.

Is It A Rat Or Plant?

Kamron Williams is a 20-year-old prisoner who was arrested in Centerton, Arkansas in March. He’s accused of causing his mother’s death. Bail has been set for a whopping $750,000.

It all started when Williams began claiming his food was being tampered with. He claimed he found a rat’s leg in his food!

Although Williams never filed an official complaint, law enforcement did conduct their own investigation into the matter. They’ve reached a consensus. They believe conditions in the jail are fine.

After analyzing the object reportedly found in William’s food, they say it’s likely part of a plant:

“The consensus of the group regarding the item is that it is most likely not an object such as bone or nail from an animal and more likely plant material.”

The jail’s food service supervisor even analyzed the supposed rat leg herself. She thinks it’s not part of an animal.

Finally, on May 3rd, Arkansas State Crime Lab investigators were sent pictures of the supposed rat leg. After looking at the pictures, they chose not to investigate the issue further.

Now lawyers are trying to prove that Williams is a liar because they think it will ensure he gets locked away in the death case.


Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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