
Giant Snail Warning Issued For Arkansas Residents By State Officials

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Get ready for a new threat to Arkansas nature!

According to KATV, The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is sending out a warning about giant snails invading the state of Arkansas. They say there’s a small window of opportunity to prevent the snails from populating in the state before it’s too late!

Giant Snails Heading Toward Arkansas

Environmentally disruptive giant apple snails are headed to Arkansas. They pose a real threat to the state’s economy and ecology.

People familiar with the new threat say the snails have been found in live crawfish shipments headed toward Arkansas.

AGFC, Aquatic Nuisance Species Program Coordinator, Matt Horton, says there’s a reason to be concerned with the snails:

“Apple snails are considered invasive because they can quickly overpopulate and outcompete native aquatic organisms for food and habitat. They feed on aquatic vegetation, and so they can quickly decimate and destroy critical aquatic habitat used by native fish and wildlife.”

The Snails Are Immigrating Globally

These snails are not just appearing in Arkansas.

According to snail researchers, Giant Apple snails were originally found in South America. Then suddenly in 2010, researchers spotted them in China. They were not originally native to China.

The snails are immigrating globally. They pose serious risks to local natural habitats.

Do YOU think immigrating snails president a threat? Comment below and let us know what you think!
Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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