
FBI Reveals $46 Million Stolen In Arkansas Alone In Just One Year

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Technology is bringing crime on a level unseen in our state’s history.

According to THV11, the FBI just revealed its latest crime statistics showing that a whopping $46,000,000 was stolen by hackers and scammers in Arkansas in the year 2023 alone.

Arkansas Scam Numbers Revealed

The FBI reported significant losses to internet scams in Arkansas. In 2023, Arkansans lost over $46 million.

Special Agent Tonja Sablatura supervises the FBI’s cyber program in Little Rock reveals how scammers might target you:

“Sometimes actors will be in our email accounts for weeks, if not months, studying our behaviors and how we speak. Looking for the perfect opportunity to send an email that to maybe a vendor or an attorney or your payroll clerk or HR clerk, looking to redirect payment monies to the bank, banking institution of their choosing, and a lot of times it goes undetected.”

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (246)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.
