
Legal Action Taken After Arkansas Oil Spill Involving Thousands Of Gallons

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It’s been 11 years since the oil spill in Mayflower, Arkansas. The state is finally taking legal action.

According to Arkansas Times, Arkansas is finally taking legal action against ExxonMobil 11 years after the giant oil spill in Mayflower, Arkansas that killed local wildlife and ruined the environment. Tens of thousands of gallons of oil spilled out near the interstate in one of the nastiest spills in state history.

Legal Action Taken After Arkansas Oil Spill

It happened 11 years ago. The aging Pegasus pipeline cracked open in Mayflower. Thousands of gallons of heavy crude poured out and destroyed the environment

On Friday, the state and federal government sued ExxonMobil Pipeline Co. A proposed settlement is expected soon.

John Marks, acting general counsel for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, confirms that a U.S. District Court in Little Rock could have a settlement decree as early as “next week.”

According to the lawsuit:

“Crude oil from the Pegasus Pipeline spilled directly into a residential neighborhood and then flowed via a ditch into nearby waterways, including an unnamed creek, then to wetlands which are adjacent to a portion of Lake Conway commonly known as Dawson Cove.”

It’s not known why this lawsuit took so long to take shape.

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (246)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.
