
Arkansas Capitol Building To Finally Reopen After Mysterious Fire

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We recently reported that a mysterious fire forced the Arkansas State Capitol to close to the public.

Now according to Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the Arkansas State Capitol will finally be reopened to the public this Friday. A spokesperson for the Secretary of State has confirmed this.

Arkansas State Capitol Reopening

A spokesperson for Secretary of State John Thurston confirmed on Thursday night that it’s finally safe for employees to return to the Capitol.

This comes after the capitol was shut down for nearly a week after a mysterious fire that started in the kitchen while workers were away.

As we reported previously about the cause:

“It was after closing time in the café room of the Capitol when Capitol Security spotted smoke at 5:45pm. They immediately called in the fire department. The building was evacuated.”

Photographs show that parts of the capitol were closed off inside while the building was closed. Thankfully, officials can now get back to work.

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (246)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.
