
Searcy Fire Hydrant Flow Testing To Take Place This Month

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Fire Hydrant Flow Testing:  The Searcy Fire Department will be flow-testing fire hydrants in the City of Searcy beginning April 15 through April 26 from 8pm until midnight.  The area of testing will be:

  • North Boundary: North Bypass

  • South Boundary: Booth Road

  • West Boundary: Pecan

  • East Boundary: Benton

Citizens should let their water run for a few minutes to ensure that it is clear before cooking or washing clothes. These tests are necessary to calculate the available flow for specific water mains, which is required to maintain our current Class 1 Insurance Rating.

Heather Pedersen

Heather Pedersen (209)

“Love is never wasted, for its value does not rest upon reciprocity.” -C.S. Lewis

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