
FBI Notified Of Possible Assassination Threat Against Arkansas U.S. Senator

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That’s not going to look good on paper.

New screenshots have just surfaced online of a popular self-described “socialist” on social media making threats against U.S. Senator Tom Cotton. They involved instructions about how to make a homemade gun. The threats are being treated as serious with some people even asking for the FBI to get involved.

FBI Notified Of Threat Against U.S. Senator Cotton

It all started when U.S. Senator Tom Cotton wrote a post on Twitter calling for people to take action against Hamas-supporting protestors:

“It’s time to put an end to this nonsense.”

In a reply, a Turkish-American online streamer, YouTuber and left-wing political commentator named HasanAbi posted pictures of instructions about how to make a homemade gun, obviously as a threat against the U.S. Senator.

You can view a photograph of the tweet below:

Another popular Twitter account has shared screenshots indicating that it has reported HasanAbi to the FBI:

Other users on social media have publicly requested for the FBI to get involved. One commentator even tagged the FBI on social media, saying: “[I]t’s your time to shine.”

Not The First Time

This isn’t the first time someone has made serious threats against Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas.

In 2019, a local man from Arkansas was arrested for making assassination threats against the Senator. First-degree terroristic threatening charges were filed.

Do YOU think this goes too far? Comment below and let us know what you think!
Seth Connell

Seth Connell (255)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.
