The police department granted the little boy his wish.
This morning, Mayor Ken Kincade and Chief Steely swore in the Cabot Police Department‘s youngest officer at the Justice Center. It was part of the “Make A Wish” program for children battling illness. It’s an amazing gift.
Little Boy Becomes Officer For A Day In Cabot, Arkansas
As part of his Make a Wish, Masyn was granted his dream to be a police officer for a day.
Officer Masyn reported for duty, toured the Justice Center and Fire Department, and even responded to a mock burglary call.
Masyn interviewed witnesses, processed a crime scene, and after a playful Nerf battle, apprehended the suspects with help from the Arkansas State Police.
Returning to a celebration at the Justice Center, Masyn’s big wish was fulfilled before heading to Disneyworld.
This is what service is all about. What a blessing!
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