
Arkansas House Burning To Ground Blamed On “Children Playing With Fire”

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A house in a trailer park burned to the ground in Jacksonville, Arkansas. It reportedly happened after children were playing with fire.

Photos emerged online by someone claiming to be a neighbor of a vacant home in Jacksonville, Arkansas. Photos show the house burned to the ground. You can view the photos below.

Reportedly Caused By Children Playing

Russ Boggs announced the news on a local Facebook news group writing:

“I would like to thank the Jacksonville fire department and police department for handling a fire at my place of employment with great speed and professionalism. No injuries and vacant home.”

When someone suggested foul play was involved, Boggs said that it was caused by children nearby.

“That was a vacant unit next door to my personal residence awaiting a remodel. The fire was started by children playing with fire.”

No further details have been released online.

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

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