
6 Suspects Captured By Police After Multiple Break-ins In Arkadelphia

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Multiple arrests have been made involving felony charges.

Six suspects have been slapped with felony charges after a series of break-ins occurred on school campus in Arkadelphia. One of the suspects is reportedly a minor.

Suspects Captured Include One Minor

The 6 suspects in question broke into the former Perritt Primary School in Arkadelphia. The school, which has been vacant since the end of last school year, was targeted on two separate occasions.

Officials reported the intrusion on August 30, 2024, after discovering the school had been compromised. The school district had moved all students to the new Peake Elementary School, leaving Perritt unoccupied.

The Arkadelphia Police Department, led by Chief Jason “Shorty” Jackson, utilized surveillance footage to identify the suspects, including one minor. The break-ins occurred despite the school being boarded up to deter such incidents.

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

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One Response

  1. Avatar Fantasha

    September 6, 2024 4:35 pm

    Will they get what they need for break in to that school it don’t look good but they should have new better

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