
Governor Reveals Plan To End Income Taxes In Arkansas

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According to Little Rock Public Radio, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders it’s her goal to phase out and drop personal income taxes for Arkansas residents. It comes after she already signed other tax cuts into law.

Governor Sarah Sanders Says It’s Time To End Personal Income Taxes

In an interview with Talk Business & Politics, Sarah Sanders said it’s her goal to end personal income taxes in Arkansas:

“How long that takes is a great question. We want to be responsible about it. We don’t want to put our state in a bad position. Right now, we feel very confident in other areas, particularly sales tax. Arkansans have purchasing power and we’re continuing to see extraordinary revenue come in from that. We’ve run huge surpluses the past couple of years.”

Sanders says the tax cuts she has already signed into law are a huge boost for the state to compete with other states like Texas and Tennesee:

“When you’re competing with Texas on one side and Tennessee on the other and surrounding states with lower tax prior to the cuts we passed this week, it made it harder for businesses that wanted to come in because their employees aren’t going to make as much money. So it [tax cuts] are a great recruiting tool.”

You can watch her special sit-down interview below:

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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