
Governor Sanders Makes Bold AETN Appointment After Reports Of “Issues”

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Arkansas Senator Dan Sullivan introduced a bill to slash PBS funding by 25%. Now his wife is one of the key decision makers for AETN!

According to the Arkansas Times, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has just appointed the wife of Senator Sullivan to be on the oversight board of the AETN Commission. The appointment reportedly comes after management issues have plagued AETN for several years.

Special Appointment To Arkansas AETN Commission

AETN is an agency of the state of Arkansas. It is funded partly by private money, but also by government money.

Arkansas Senator Dan Sullivan has long criticized the handling of AETN, suggesting there were management issues and money problems. After his wife Maria was selected for the job, Sullivan said:

“Maria’s appointment is a result of management issues that go back several years.”

Maria Sullivan was honored to receive the role and was admittedly a bit surprised by the appointment:

“I was surprised to hear from Governor Sanders that I was being considered for this appointment. he opportunity to join the AETN commission is welcomed. I look forward to serving Arkansans in any way that I can.”

Dan Sullivan’s AETN Bill

In the Arkansas Senate, Dan Sullivan tried to pass a bill to slash PBS funding in the state just 2 years ago.

If it had passed, which it didn’t, it would have reduced the agency’s spending authority for privately raised funds, from $8.96 million to $7.17 million.

At the time, Sullivan said bad management was the reason for requesting budget cuts:

“If we need to cut those appropriations to a level where people have to come to PEER who have a history of not managing well, I think that’s a really good precedent to set.”

Thankfully, it looks like PBS is now in good hands and the management change requested has taken place.

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Seth Connell

Seth Connell (735)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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