
Look Who Arkansas Police Departments Are Hiring Suddenly

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There’s a new pattern emerging.

According to a new report by Arkansas Advocate, a whopping six Northwest Arkansas law enforcement agencies have decided to hire police officers from outside the state as staff issues escalate. They’re struggling to find applicants.

Police Are Making Outside Hires

Northwest Arkansas Council Director Rob Smith says that police departments are struggling to hire the appropriate number of police officers needed. He says the issue is happening all over the country:

“This is a national thing, it’s not unique to Northwest Arkansas.”

Police departments in the following locations are looking for outsiders to come in to help:

  • Bella Vista.
  • Bentonville.
  • Fayetteville.
  • Rogers.
  • Springdale.
  • Washington County Sheriff’s Office.

A National Trend

This isn’t just happening in Arkansas. This represents a much larger nationwide trend.

States like Florida have also pushed for hiring out-of-state police officers. Staffing shortages are named as the root cause.

This is likely a good event for police officers looking to increase their salary. As it means they have more job opportunities to choose from.

Seth Connell

Seth Connell (586)

Business. Infrastructure. Philosophy. | I'm a business owner who spends too much time reading and smoking cigars. I build great products with great people.

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